How to import a demo

1. Install Minimalio Parent and Child theme

As any other WordPress theme, you have to start by installing the Minimalio. Please, use the child theme as it is the correct practise, so that you can update the parent theme in the future.

2. Download the Customizer and Content Exports below

Each Demo has an export of the Customizer options and the Content, pls download the files below so that you can import them.

3. Import the Content through WordPress import

Navigate to Tools -> Import -> WordPress. Press “Install now” if you haven’t done so and select “Run Importer”. Upload the “Minimalio-wp-content-[demo-name].xml”. Assign the content to your user and import the content that is created in Gutenberg editor. It’s better to “Download and import file attachments”. This might take a minute, be patient. If you have a fresh WordPress install, delete the default posts and pages. Also disallow comments in Settings -> Discussion -> disable “Allow people to submit comments on new posts”.

4. Download Customizer Export/Import plugin

Navigate to Plugins -> Add new plugin and search for Customizer Export/Import by The Beaver Builder Team. Install and activate the plugin.

5. Import Customizer options in Customizer

Navigate to Theme Settings (Customizer) -> Export/Import and import the “Minimalio-customizer-[demo-name].dat”.

6. Select homepage, primary menu and create footer

For some reason, WordPress doesn’t sometimes select the correct page as a homepage, so go to Theme Settings (Customizer) -> Homepage settings and select the correct page. Same with menu, Theme Settings (Customizer) -> Menus, select the main menu as primary. For no logical reason, WordPress doesn’t import widgets, so you might have to create that.


Customizer Screenshots

Customizer Screenshots

18th December 2023