If you open the video on YouTube, you can find the chapters of the different settings in the description.
One is a theme, the other is a plugin!
That is probably the biggest part of the confusion sometimes. Minimalio is a free theme, the Premium plugin, that you can purchase has to be installed as a plugin! They both work together, the Premium plugin doesn’t work without the theme.
Installing the theme
Minimalio theme is hosted on the official WordPress repository, where you can download it and install it from the .zip file. In Appearance -> Themes -> Add new Theme (Button on top) -> Upload theme. Easier option is to also do Appearance -> Themes -> Add new Theme and just search for Minimalio.
Installing the plugin
After your purchase of the Premium plugin, you should get an email with a link, which will download the plugin .zip file and also the license key. After you download it, go to Plugins -> Add new plugin -> Upload plugin (Button on top) and choose the .zip you have just downloaded. After activating, paste the license key and that’s it.
Updating the theme
If there’s a new version of the Minimalio theme, simply go to Appearance -> Themes and click on update on the Minimalio theme.
Transcription of the video
Hi there, so how to install the theme and the plugin, it really is super easy. The main important thing is that one is a theme and the other is a plugin. So when it comes to the theme you have either two options, you can either download it from the WordPress repository. Just click download. It will download a zip file, and you can then upload it here. Or even easier option is to just go to themes, add new and search for Minimalio. There you go. So I’ll just install it and activate.
If you purchase the premium plugin, after you have purchased it, you should get an email with link to the plugin, so to the files and also the license keys. So this is how the email should look like. So as you can see, there’s the download plugin and here’s the license. So once you get that, you just go into the plugins, add new, and upload plugin. Then you just choose the file you just downloaded, install, activate and here you put the license key
Alright awesome, that’s it, now the reason why this is done like this is that basically the plugin just enhances the theme, which is awesome because the Theme is on the WordPress repository. So every time I push a new code, and it’s needed quite often. You can just update everything by updating the Minimalio theme. So you just update and that’s it. Alright. Thanks. Bye